New Patient Registration


Patient's First & Last Name(Required)
Parent or Guardian Name:(Required)

Insurance Information

Click Choose File to select a file, or if you are on a mobile device, you can take a picture.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Click Choose File to select a file, or if you are on a mobile device, you can take a picture.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.

Medical Information

Important Financial Information

It is critical that you be familiar with your insurance coverage for speech therapy. In order to provide uninterrupted treatment, it is necessary to be aware of what insurance requirements apply to your plan.

It is strongly recommended that you, the parent or guardian, contact your insurance company to see what therapy benefits apply to your plan. If a physician’s referral for speech therapy is required by your insurance plan, you are responsible to request and provide the referral. Insurance plans often require pre-authorization for speech therapy, and occasionally there is a limit on the number of visits allowed or an annual monetary cap. Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. will make every effort to keep you informed of the status of your insurance benefits. However, the final responsibility rests with you, the parent or guardian.

  • We will bill your primary insurance.
  • If you are paying out of pocket for your services, we will furnish you with a receipt as often as you request, as well as other paperwork necessary for your own records, taxes or flexible spending account reimbursement.
  • If we are billing your insurance then all co-pays are due at the time of service.
  • In the event that your health plan determines any service to be “not covered”, you will be responsible for all outstanding charges.
  • All payments are due upon receipt of a statement from Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. A 1.5% interest charge will be added to 60 days past due accounts, and may be turned over to a collections agency. If you terminate therapy for any reason, you will be responsible to pay all fees, co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles immediately.
  • Please notify your therapist 24 hours in advance if you must cancel.
  • If notification is not received by 9:00 AM the day of your child’s appointment, a $50 “no-show” fee will be charged directly to you.
  • If you change insurance plans or companies, please let us know as soon as possible to expedite correct billing.

Assignment and Release

I understand that I am financially responsible for payment to Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. Speech Therapy for all charges not covered by my insurance company. I authorize medical benefits to be paid directly to Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. I also authorize Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. or the insurance company to release any information required for this claim. I understand that any unpaid balance over 60 days is subject to being turned over to a collections agency and/or a 1.5% monthly finance charge on the unpaid balance. I also authorize Coastal Speech Therapy, Inc. Speech Therapy to release any information to my insurance company that is required for processing of this claim. I hereby authorize speech therapy as prescribed by my physician.

Use your mouse or touch screen to sign.
Clear Signature

New Patient Forms:
All forms, except those indicated as “optional,” are required for new patients.